Unfortunately, I missed Day 6, but you can still see Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Days 4 and 5.
Closing-Down Sale

Evil Tale for Other People's Children

The Comic Fire Brigade

The Angelus, by Millet

Eat Your Soup If You Want To Grow Up Big And Strong

Nightmare of the Puddle

The Hunter

The Kitchen

The Lovers

Photobucket censored and deleted the Postive Test photos, presumably due the fact that one of the characters - the new-born child - has a visible, if tiny, penis.
I am a little disturbed by the turn some of these performances are taking, especially The Comic Fire Brigade, Evil Tale for Other People's Children and now even The Lovers: a little too much violence of men on women. They are mannequins, of course, but still... Loving The Angelus, though!
I am loving the Revolt of the Mannequins. Did you notice the typo (I ass ume it's a typo) in the newspaper headline the bottoms farmer is reading?
Forget chia pets, I want a packet of those seeds for this Christmas!
I think it's a typo within a deliberate typo. It should have read "collasses".
I wish I could have photographed people's reactions to that show: the double and triple takes!
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