For the story so far, see Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Days 4 and 5 and Day 7 (unfortunately, I missed Day 6).
Only one more to go and things are getting very interesting with the mannequins refusing to be restrained by their shop windows!
Closing-Down Sale

Evil Tale For Other People's Children

The Comic Fire Brigade

The Angelus, By Millet

Eat Your Soup I You Want To Grow Up Big And Strong

The Nightmare of the Puddle

The Mystery has moved next door to the Nightmare, and an arrest is being made.

The Hunter

Positive Test

The Kitchen

The Lovers

I want a dachshund with a mask and flippers
What is happening in the Angelus on Day 8? All I can see is the two farmers facing each other. WHERE IS THE CROP???
The crop is all gone - for a fraction of its value; the land is up for sale; the farmers are ready to migrate - suitcases in their hands - because of the collapse of the market value of bottoms.
If only Emmett or Todd had been around to advise them!
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