Sunday, March 14, 2010

NZ International Arts Festival 2010 - Revolt of the Mannequins (Final Day)

Well, this was fun.

We've finally reached the conclusion of the Revolt of the Mannequins, by Royal de Luxe, part of the 2010 NZ international Festival of the Arts, and it went out with a bang.

Most mannequins have escaped their glass prisons and we'll probably meet them again in the streets of Wellington, passing for regular people. I loved that there were no wrapped-up endings and that we're left with a sense that their stories have only just started.

If you want to see it from the beginning,see Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Days 4 and 5, Day 7 and Day 8 (unfortunately, I missed Day 6).

Closing-Down Sale
Sale final

Sale final - detail

Evil Tale For Other People's Children
Evil Tale final

The Comic Fire Brigade
Fire brigade final - window

Fire Brigade final

Fire Brigade final 2

Mystery Story
Mystery final 2

Mystery final

The Angelus, by Millet
Angelus - final - window

Angelus final

Eat Your Soup If You Want To Grow Up And Be Strong
Eat final

Eat final - detail

Nightmare of the Puddle
Nightmare final 1

Nightmare final 2

Nightmare final 3

The Hunter
Hunter final

Hunter final - close-up

Hunter final - hound 1

Hunter final - hound 2

Positive Test
Test final 1

Test final 2

The Kitchen
Kitchen final

The Lovers
Lovers final

Lovers final 2


Anonymous said...

I lied. I want a dachshund with a yellow fringed bathing costume.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Big and Strong sibling??

C. said...

I looked everywhere for the Big and Strong brother, but alas he was truly gone.

I also searched inside the shop, Borders, hoping to find him reading some book or perusing European cinema DVD: he wasn't there.

Probably, he had outgrown our little city. I like to imagine him walking through vast spaces tht can accomodate his size.